Back to the rivers of Kiketecutlán...
Here I am... Actually, I don't know what to write. And I have this imperious needing of write in this language. I don't understand. Maybe it is because I... No, I don't wanna practice. I'd be better looking for someone to chat with if I would want to practice.
It could be that I'm vanishing from that romantic world I was living in. I really don't want to leave that world. I like, actually I love, to be a romantic person. But, I can't afford that anymore.
I don't have any reason to be romantic. Well, I'm lying. I have mi entire life as reason to keep myself been romantic; but I also need external reasons. And all those reasons had just gone away.
That's a sad thing. I would love to be as romantic as just I can be. But I'm not motivated anymore...
What a waste of time and effort my case is...
It could be that I'm vanishing from that romantic world I was living in. I really don't want to leave that world. I like, actually I love, to be a romantic person. But, I can't afford that anymore.
I don't have any reason to be romantic. Well, I'm lying. I have mi entire life as reason to keep myself been romantic; but I also need external reasons. And all those reasons had just gone away.
That's a sad thing. I would love to be as romantic as just I can be. But I'm not motivated anymore...
What a waste of time and effort my case is...
tmb recuerda ke te kiero musho y ke eres un super hermano =)...
miss u...
KiSSeS & HuGs!!!...
Ps Wey ya ponte a estudiar Cisco para la acreditacion y para que me pases los examenes.
Es cierto que por algo suceden las cosas... no te sientas mal.. ve el lado bueno de la vida. es una constante evolucion debemos aprentes a enfrentar cada momento. y algo perdido, nos lleva a encontrar algo mejor ;), muchas veces ni es necesario el buscar, basta el saber observar.